Meet The Founder

Michelle-For-Bella-sizedMeet Michelle
Michelle Colon-Johnson is the founder of 2 Dream Productions,Inc. and a contributing writer for places such as The Huffington Post, The Good Men Project, Addicted 2 Success and She Owns It. Michelle is a 5 times stage 4 cancer survivor and mother to an autistic daughter; at one point in her life Michelle believed that she might not have the opportunity to live her dreams so she created a company with the hopes of assisting others in living theirs. It was through their dreams she began to live her own. Michelle became known as “The Dream Connector” by her friends and fans due to her love and ability to connect people to other people and resources that led them in the direction of living their dreams. Her goal is to inspire others to live their dreams and to leave a legacy for those who dare to believe that anything is possible. Like many of us, Michelle has been through circumstances and relationships that can leave us emotionally bankrupt. What do you do when you file bankruptcy? You start all over again with more knowledge and a thirst for a better life. Where do you start? Michelle says we all start with ourselves. Michelle loves sharing her journey with others. She previously sat on the board of directors for Junior Achievement- a non-profit organization that brings the real world to students through hands-on curriculum delivered by a trained classroom volunteer. From economic basics to the in-depth study of free enterprise, Junior Achievement teaches elementary, middle, and high school students about finance, careers, and personal responsibility. She also served as a board member for The Opera Guild in Pensacola Florida and has been a strong supporter of many organizations such as the Autism Society, The Cancer Society, and Children In Crisis. While Michelle has supported many causes and experienced great honors such as being in the Top 7 MORE Magazine Beauty Search 2011 and featured on CBS THE TALK–- Michelle will tell you she finds the greatest pleasure in connecting people. “Knowing that I played a part in something larger than myself always brightens my day. There is just something about getting that email, that letter, or that call that says you made a difference.” Michelle enjoys spending time with her daughter Rhiannon, her Grand Dog Max, gardening, catching up with family and friends, and let’s not forget curling up to a good book. Michelle currently lives in the Florida panhandle inspiring and encouraging others to “Never Give Up On Their Dreams”.

2 Dream Productions, Inc.

In 2010 Michelle Colon-Johnson founded 2 Dream Productions, Inc. Michelle founded the company as a way to provide direction to those who seek opportunities to connect to their dreams. She has been a contributing writer for places such as The Huffington Post, The Good Men Project, Addicted 2 Success, She Owns It, and other popular platforms.

2 Dream Productions, Inc. is a book publicist company that specializes in working with authors and publishers to get more publicity for their books, brands and products.

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​Here are some of the places Michelle is a contributing writer for

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