If you are an author wondering which publications will pay you to write for them you can go to “Who Pays Writers?”; it is an anonymous, crowdsourced list of which publications pay freelance writers, and how much. If you do not already have an existing relationship with the publications listed we suggest you go check out each platform before you pitch the editor.
Always remember to ask questions about your agreement. Some publications listed on the site reported to have verbal agreements and handshakes. We suggest you always get things in writing. This holds each party accountable to the agreement that was set in place.
Here are 12 Important questions to ask when deciding to write for a publication:
1. Ask if you get to keep the ownership of your submitted work.
2. What is the pay schedule and process?
- When you will receive payment
- How submissions are preferred
- What is the invoice preference
- How many words to write
3. Can you share on your own platform?
4. What is the compensation based on?
- Per word
- Per page
- Per view
- Flat rate
If per view, how long is the contract or does it continue on?
5. How do they pay?
- Check
- Direct deposit
- PayPal
- Cash
6. If the publication has an online presence as well as a paper one:
- Will you be featured in both?
- Is there a different rate for each platform?
7. The obvious:
How much do they pay?
8. How often can you write or/do they expect you to write?
- Daily
- Monthly
- Weekly
- Bi-weekly
- Twice a month
9. If you give up rights ask their policy on giving back rights if you request them.
10. What other responsibilities do you have?
If on line: Should you respond on their social media platforms and on their websites?
An Advice Column: Do they expect you to reply to individual comments and letters?
Are you encouraged to market your written work?
11. Does your submission have to be first print or is previous work you have shared on other platforms acceptable?
12. Who will be your point of contact?
These are a few questions to ask when you are looking to get paid for your submissions. Now go out there and get paid to write and get Free Publicity!
If you are not sure how to pitch publications that is part of what we do for our clients and we also teach them how to pitch themselves! Click here to contact us. We look forward to speaking to you!
-The 2 Dream Production Team
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