2 Dream Articles & Updates
Conversations with Michelle and the 2 Dream Team!How To Get Paid For Writing and Get Free Publicity Too
Who says You Can't Get Publicity and Get Paid Too? If you are an author wondering which publications will pay you to write for them you can go to "Who Pays Writers?"; it is an anonymous, crowdsourced list of which publications pay freelance writers, and how much....
How My Doctor Challenged Me To Write
While I was interested in the arts in high school and even helped a friend write a stage play, I wasn’t interested in writing in any form, which included class reports. I didn’t even have a diary! In my family, I wasn’t allowed to express myself so my thought was:...
9 Ways To Promote Your Book During National Reading Awareness Month
March is National Reading Awareness month. There is a whole month devoted to celebrating reading. It is also the time to promote yourself and your book while encouraging everyone to read. Here are ways you can dedicate some time in March to promoting your books: 1....
7 Ways To Get Successful Media Exposure
Today more than ever it is important for entrepreneurs to differentiate themselves from others in their space. To get noticed, you will need to stand out.The best way to do so is to create a strategic publicity plan consisting of several ways to get media exposure for...
See How Easy You Can Get Publicity By Responding To Queries
There are always things you can do to keep your name in the headlines. Don't get lazy with your publicity efforts!If you are not using Query Lists, you should be. Query Lists are lists that can come to your email box 1-3 times a day and provide you with opportunities...
Keep Your Name In The Media and Get Publicity Like A Celebrity
Keeping your name or your company name in the media is very important . Our company 2 Dream Productions is hired to place our client's names in the media. People can't and won't buy your books and products if they don't know who you are or that you have a book and...
The Things We Can Learn From Green Eggs And Ham In Publicity
What is the most DIFFERENT thing you may have done to capture someone's attention? Think how creative people get when trying to make an impression... I once had a business partner named Sheila whose previous career was in advertising. I loved hearing her advertising...
How Purging the Garage Led to Writing a Book: Author Camilla Downs
How Purging the Garage Led to Writing a Book Call it intuition. Call it my gut. Whatever it’s called, there is something inside of me compelling me to write. Sometimes gently, other times strongly, it nudges me saying, "You've just got to share that." I fought this...
14 Ways Father Nathan Monk Promoted His Book Entitled Chasing the Mouse
We decided to make a real effort to do more than just share publicity with our readers. We have been told by many of you that you want to know more how to's in the promotion of the book process. While 2 Dream Productions provides publicity...
Finding The Rainbows In Life During Your Storm- “Get Your SHIFT Together”
Flipping back in my timeline memories I came across a post that made me smile. My friend Steve Rizzo wrote a book entitled Get Your Shift Together. Our mutual friend Gina Carr introduced Steve and me in January of 2013. I did not know then...
There Is Something Bigger Than We Can See In This World:How I Met Author Dawn Quarles
People come in your life and leave your life for a reason. I never imagined how I would get to meet my friend Dawn Moore Quarles. It is one of those moments that you know deep in your soul that there is something bigger than we can see in this world... I first...
Creativity Is Only Half The Battle Of An Author
Today's Guest Blog is by author Charlie Cain-Tolbirt. Charlie shares her author journey from beginning to now. She is the author of the best-selling book Words With Wisdom. About The Author: Charlie Cain-Tolbirt was a child of poverty and spent most of her...
Get More Publicity With Snoopy Slippers
Today's Guest Post is by Jonathan Lederman. About the Author: Jonathan JDOGG Lederman is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He has been delivering a positive message to audiences through print and the spoken word for over 25 years. He is the host of an Internet TV...
How Doing 5 Things Caused Prosperity
I have found that most people fail to pursue their dreams because they are of the belief that they do not have enough time, knowledge or money to achieve them in the way that they want to. What if I told you that making small little tweaks in the way that you think...
How Making Friends With Candy Changed My Life And I Became An Author
I love meeting authors and reading their books. I have loved reading books since I was a little girl, the age of three. When I got older I realized I also loved to write. Have you ever read a good book and wondered what inspired an author to write the story?...
3 Things That Authors Do Not Always Think About and Why They Should Think Outside Their Niche
When thinking about publicity don't just think of publications or platforms that you read, listen to, watch, or that are directly aligned with your book. Think bigger picture! People have many more interests and passions than just their books. You could be a parent,...
From Nowhere To Somewhere Publicity
It can be very frustrating when you are trying to achieve success in publicity. There is always so many things to do. Some of those things might depend on other things to make them work. Even when you think you have it all figured out-- Things happen... People get...
What’s a Duck Got To Do With Anything?
Last week I wrote a post on Facebook about a message I had received from someone who was working hard at trying to live their dream. They were in that in between stage where you almost give up because you feel like you are not making in headway. They sent me a message...

2 Dream Productions, Inc.
In 2010 Michelle Colon-Johnson founded 2 Dream Productions, Inc. Michelle founded the company as a way to provide direction to those who seek opportunities to connect to their dreams. She has been a contributing writer for places such as The Huffington Post, The Good Men Project, Addicted 2 Success, She Owns It, and other popular platforms.
2 Dream Productions, Inc. is a book publicist company that specializes in working with authors and publishers to get more publicity for their books, brands and products.
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Here are some of the places Michelle is a contributing writer for